Cài đặt Geo Notebook Docker

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Đã cài được

Into the notebook


Run this command from your terminal:

docker run -it --rm --name geopyspark -p 8000:8000 quay.io/geodocker/jupyter-geopyspark:blog

It should only take a couple of minutes to download the image.

This command does several things:

  1. Downloads the image from quay.io, a host for container images. This image contains a build of GeoPySpark + GeoNotebook + the tutorial packaged together.
  2. It maps the docker container’s 8000 port to your system’s 8000 port. This makes the container available to your host system’s web browser.
  3. -it Flags are commonly used when launching docker containers and are necessary, but their precise meaning is beyond the scope of this blog.
  4. --rm option cleans up the notebook after you exit the process.
  5. Now the notebook is available for use, type http://localhost:8000into your browser.
  6. You will need to login to the notebook, user: hadoop | password: hadoop


Vui tóa! há há há

(Cơ mà cái do cái này khởi động từ docker nên chỉ khi nào mở "máy ảo" này thì mới sài được :v)


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